by Eileen Joyce | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog
Excerpted from The Grief Recovery Handbook Recovery means feeling better. Recovery means claiming your circumstances instead of your circumstances claiming you and your happiness. Recovery is finding new meaning for living, without [being stopped by] the fear of being...
by Eileen Joyce | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog
After a devastating loss, holding on to memories can lead to being stuck in wanting things the way they were. How do we consciously move from sinking into depression to having a hopeful outlook? Let’s look at some steps on the way to more acceptance and peace. It’s...
by Eileen Joyce | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog
Do we ever really get to the other side of grief? You may feel there is no end to grieving a devastating loss. Grief is powerful and overwhelming. At any moment a memory of your loved one pops in your mind and emotions take over. Sometimes it’s so real you can reach...
by Eileen Joyce | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog
The first step to heal a broken heart is talking about what happened, accepting the truth, and acknowledging you are grieving. Share your grief with someone safe—a person or group who can listen without judging or giving advice. Notice how you rely on your thoughts...
by Eileen Joyce | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss. It consists of the thoughts and feelings we experience as a result of loss. The process of grief can be complex because so many emotions accompany the multitude of thoughts that can change from one moment to the next....